Saturday, October 26, 2013

7 Quick Takes - The Life Happens Version

Once again, I am little late to the party on joining in Seven Quick Takes (hosted over at Clan Donaldson this week) but after a three week hiatus I decided I would simply steal my post title from Emmy over at Journeys of a Catholic Nerd Writer, and simply say "life happens, better late than never."
(1) Life Happens...
 It seems that when we least expect it life simply starts happening.  I expected to miss a week of 7QT on account of heading down to New Jersey to celebrate a wedding, but life simply had other plans that led to me missing even more weeks of writing.  My car died.  I got a job offer.  Quit my old job.  Convinced said old job to let me continue on a relief/per diem status.  Decided to buy new car.  Started new job.  Bought new car and exceeded budget.  Regretted exceeding budget.  Got more relief hours than expected at old job.  Got more "homework" to study than expected at new job.  Spent past two weeks fairly exhausted.
(2) Anything Else?
Well, I think QT 1 basically summarizes the last three weeks of my life, but I will see what I can do to find some other things to write about for the next 6 (now 5, this one totally counts right?) Quick Takes.
(3) Banking
My new job is in a bank.  I am a bank teller (in training).  Not sure how my path led from aspiring non-profit professional, to banker, but we'll see where this goes.  Will it be a detour?  Is my path taking an unexpected turn?  Who knows!
(4) The Journey vs. The Path
While redesigning my blog (aka picking a template someone else designed and tweaking...) I started thinking about just what I meant by JourneyLiving?  What does it mean to live on a journey? How do I create goals for my overall journey (life) as well as short-term and material goals (for my path).  You can check out some of what I came up with in the JourneyLiving tab and expect a post on my JourneyLiving philosophy sometime soon!
(5) This. Blog.
I am in love with this blog, Modern Modesty.  Seriously in love. I love that she is a modest fashion blogger, who doesn't necessarily always look like a modest fashion blogger.  Now don't get me wrong, all of her outfits are modest, and would meet (or in most cases exceed) my own standards for modesty.  They are also super, duper cute!  She accessorizes well, looks stylish, purchases things in "regular" stores (i.e. not ones designed specifically for the modesty crowd nor the wealth millionaires). 
(6) These Blogs
While they're not getting a whole quick take of their own, I am also a fan of these blogs and sites which I also found recently.  In case you can't tell I'm on a bit of a clothing/fashion kick lately.  Blame the new job
MoMoMod --
JunieBLAKE --  (Haven't bought anything from here, yet, but LOVE the Katy dress) (Haven't bought anything here yet either, but my friend gave them rave reviews and said that its totally worth the price).
(7) Prayer Request
I'm going to finish things up with a quick prayer request.  As many of ya'll have heard, a young teacher in MA was murdered this week.  She and I attended the same college. She was several years behind me, and so I never knew or met her, but we did have some mutual friends.  It is still scary for me to think about, especially because so many of my friends and family members are teachers.  I love this beautiful response which another blogger wrote after the death, and ask you to please keep Colleen, her family and friends, and the Danvers and Assumption communities in your prayers. Please and thank you.