Friday, January 2, 2015

7 QT - Grateful for the New & Old Years

Yesterday I wrote about my theme for 2015 - Year of Gratefulness.  I am only two days into the new year, but thus far I am enjoying my theme!  As one year closes and another begins, I decided to share some of the things I am grateful for from 2014.
Linked up over at This Ain't the Lyceum for 7QT Friday.

(1) Memories
I am grateful for all the fun times and good memories from 2014.  Some of my highlights included: frequent meals at a new favorite restaurant Mexicali; spending a week w/ my family at the beach; a special birthday date; a visit from my long-distance friend from grad school including a day trip down to Rhode Island & Mystic with her as well as an evening in Boston; seeing the Improv Asylum in Boston with friends from College; St. Patrick's Day Parade weekend;  a daytrip to Mystic Aquarium & the beach; a family weekend trip to CT to celebrate my grandfather's 90th Birthday!; and a lot of fun holiday celebrations to round out the year.
(2) Dating a Great Guy
We are going through a season of change right now and not really sure where our relationship will go, but I am still grateful I had the chance to love and be loved by a really awesome guy, and to have a lot of fun together.
(3) New Friends
I am happy that 2014 gave me the opportunity to make new friends, and deepen some existing friendships.  I am glad I have a great group of ladies with whom I can enjoy both fun times and fellowship.
(4) Family
This one is nothing new, but I am still very grateful for my family!
(5) My Job(s)
As of October I have now been at my full-time job for a little over a year.  I recently had the chance to help with the training of some newer employees, and it really made me realize just how much I have learned in those fifteen months. I am really grateful to have a job I enjoy, the opportunity to work with good co-workers and a supervisor who I can learn a lot from.  I am also grateful to work for a company which treats its employees well, and where there is opportunity for career growth.
(6) Learning About Relationships
Before dating that great guy I mentioned in take 2, I didn't really have much dating experience.  I had been on dates but no real serious relationships.  As someone with mental illness, relationships have always been a struggle for me.  Whether it is a friendship a love relationship etc. I always struggle with knowing when to open up and how much. I act confident, but still constantly worry what others think of me. I wondered if I was even capable of love. I am grateful that 2014 taught me that I am lovable and capable of love.
(7) God's Faithfulness
I am grateful that God remains faithful to us at all times!

Linked up at This Ain't the Lyceum for 7 QT Friday.  Also linked up at:
Missional Women

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 - Year of Gratefulness

I did make some career goals for 2015, and I do want to increase my fitness so that I can enjoy hiking this summer, but I am not really into the New Year's resolution thing this year. So, in lieu of a New Year's Resolution, I have adopted a theme for the year 2015:

In 2015 I am challenging myself - and you - to be grateful.

At first glance this seems like a very simple challenge.  After all, everyone reading this no doubt already has a lot to be grateful for.  A computer or mobile device and internet access to start (and I can only assume you made sure your basic needs were taken care of first).  I am sure most of us already spent the holiday season in appreciation for time with family, gifts received, time off work etc.  But I am not challenging us to be grateful on Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I am not challenging us to be grateful on the good days.  I am challenging us to be grateful not only on the days of family parties, payday, birthdays and happy moments, but on every day in between as well.
I am challenging you to be thankful on the just okay days.  And the less than okay days.  And the flat out crappy days.
 I challenge you, and me, to find at least one thing to be grateful for.  Every. single. day.

Throughout the year I will be sharing many of the things I am thankful for.  Here on my blog and also on Facebook and other social media, using #yearofgratefulness.  Please join me!

Linked up at:
The Modest Mom Blog, Spiritual Sundays, Serving Joyfully , Missional Women