7 Quick Takes
I am a little late to the party this week, but I still wanted to share my takes for this week. Be sure to visit Conversion Diary for the rest of this week's Quick Takes.
(1) Amazon Prime Video Streaming!
I just figured out that with an Amazon prime membership you can stream video of lots of shows and movies for free. How did I never know this before? the whole reason I have a membership in the first place is because of a free trial I forgot to cancel, but now that I have one I want to get my money's worth out of this membership.
(2) Friday Night Lights
I have been using all that Amazon Prime to stream lots of Friday Night Lights. I started watching this show with my roommates when I was living out in SD and teaching, but we only got through part of season 1 and I never got to finish it.
(3) Confession Time
I haven't been to church in weeks. I hadn't been going for awhile because of my work schedule, then I got into a good rhythm and then I just stopped going again.
(4) Hypocrisy
If you're wondering why I bothered with posting the above confession, its because of hypocrisy. That whole Revelation verse about the lukewarm being spit from the mouth? Sometimes I can see myself becoming that. I have a blog about spiritual living, connect to other Catholic blogs, drive around with a rosary in my car - and yet it seems I miss church more weeks than I make it lately. Just trying to be transparent I guess.
(5) Interviews, Job Offers and Work
Things have been a bit crazy for me a bit lately, picking up lots of overtime, working 40-60 hours a week, yet also looking for a "full time" job. Things have been a bit confusing lately, trying to figure out what direction comes next, analyzing a job offer I received to determine if it worth leaving my current job for. A bit messy, but I guess that's life.
(6) Reevaluation
I feel like this whole job switching time is a good chance for some reevaluation - a chance to look at my current goals, see if they need any changing, and see if I am really taking steps to work toward them.
(7) The Goals
My main life goals are still the same as when I wrote them previously, they haven't changed, but my commitment to them definitely needs a kick in the pants. I have decided to add a few short term goals to the list as well which are: move out, make aggressive progress toward paying off my student loan, and gain skills/experience which will help me build a career in writing and marketing.