Saturday, November 14, 2015

7 Money Makeover Commitments

I've decided it is time to make my Total Money Makeover a total commitment!  If I want to move myself toward debt-free living I need to make some changes and some new commitments!

Recently I was catching up on
The BudgetingDiaries series over at Our Life On A Budget (one of my favorite blogs)… I am enjoying these series because it not only shows the deals, or the frugal life-hacks, it also allows me to meet people and learn their stories and their lifestyles.   Learning about the "who" behind the "what" and "why" has been a great help in the motivation department! 

7 Ways I Am Committing To My Total Money Makeover!

(1)    Not Sacrificing My Mental Health for My Financial Health
This one has been (and likely will continue to be) a struggle for me.  As I mentioned in my last post, I have been struggling with some issues relating to depression and anxiety.  I have determined that my second job is no longer a good fit for me, and I have taken an indefinite leave of absence.  In the short term this means some back-stepping financially, but I am committed to looking at the big picture, and not allowing myself to feel guilty about what I know was a necessary decision.  I am also committed to not allowing myself to allow the price-tag to keep me away from proper mental health treatment.  

(2)    Simple Christmas
I am committed to not spending money I can’t afford on Christmas.

(3)    Homecooking
I am committed to cooking at home.  To making packed lunches for work.  To skipping the fast-food and the coffee stops.
(4)    Charity
I am committed to supporting charities in accordance with my values and my budget.
I am committed to my Lilla Rose business.  I am committed to working this business to extent allowed by my career and to growing it into a valuable income.

(6)    Order and Organization 
I am committed to growing in order and organization. Neither of these virtues come naturally to me.  I am committed to learning to better order my time and space to best use these resources for my overall financial good. 
(7)    Purging
I am committed to sorting and purging excess goods in a way which will benefit me financially (and help with #6).   This may include bringing books to a used bookstore, donating items to charity, consigning clothing, or selling things online.

This post is linked up at some cool web-places, including:
This Ain't The Lyceum, Time Warp Wife, The Modest Mom Blog,


  1. These sound like very reasonable steps to accomplish your goal. Health is such an important component of any plan and I'm glad you're taking care for yours.

    1. Thanks for visiting Rose! I hope you are right that these are reasonable and successful steps :) Some of them are quite basic, but I think sometimes big goals take small steps.

  2. Great tips! I love that you included home cooking and purging. Both are great actionable steps to help keep me on budget.

    1. Thanks Ref! Sadly, I have not been as good on the follow-through with these goals as I had hoped, but I have been planning and organizing for 2017 and this was a good reminder of the things I need to work on! Home-cooking can make a HUGE difference and I definitely notice a big difference in my pocketbook the weeks I really "get it done" in terms of making work lunches versus those I don't. I hope the steps can help you too!

  3. These are both great tips to keeping me on budget. I love that you included home cooking and purging as they are both actionable steps that will help my budget.
